We have updated all mods to 1.50, now the mods will only be available through the ModFy platform, to register a ModFy account in a simple way, click on “Download on ModFy” and follow the instructions to create an account on ModFy and connect to your PingaMods account, if there is a problem, you can create your account manually in the application, clicking on register, checking your activation email and then clicking on “Add Modder” within the ModFy application when logged in to connect your PingaMods account and download your mods . ModFy is a platform under development, in BETA, in the future it will be possible to have automatic, fast mod updates, and many other advantages. For any problems with the Mods, join our discord https://discord.gg/drAvBA8Vjy To help with the BETA and report ModFy bugs, join https://discord.gg/y6GShE5kKx